OnTriggerEnter Question

Why does this code run continuously even though it is not within Update () and is not invoked by Update?

void OnTriggerEnter(Collider other)
    print("Player triggered something");

I thought that code had to be called from within Update or something similar to be continuously run - but every time I run into an object, the above code prints the ‘triggered’ message to the console - so I know it is continuously running. Then what is the point of putting ProcessRotation(); within Update, if it will just run continuously without it?



OnTriggerEnter is part of an event system. It gets called automatically when an event happens (not necessarily each frame!): a collider enters a trigger collider.

In C#, given the programmer followed the official C# naming convention, the On prefix indicates that a method is part of an event system.

Did this clear it up for you?

Thank you, Nina. That makes it very clear!

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