OnMove not recognized in playermovement script

I’ve tried rebuilding a couple times. It claims that I need to declare OnMove and that Get<> doesn’t exist. Any insight?

Where are you calling the method OnMove from? It Is not on start and update, are you calling it from another class?

It’s a part of the Unity Input system message. This was how Rick had put it in his code and somehow no errors came up.

I Am not to sure how the one is set up, with the input manager but you can try changing your on move to

    void OnMove(InputValue value)
        moveInput = value.Get<Vector2>();

you can also add a debug message there so you can see if the input is coming through

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I just missed that part in the video. Zoomed past me

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It Happens do not worry, glad you can get it sorted to keep having fun.

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