One leg jumping

I’ve encountered an odd behavior that I’m convinced is due to something I did wrong (classic, right?). I created a mesh and named its components UPPERLeg, LowerLeg, Foot. Then, I fashioned an armature and aligned it, taking cues from Grant’s approach.

However, when I switch to edit mode,

the mesh moves in the Z-axis. Returning to object mode brings the mesh back to its original position. I’ve tried resetting all transforms, scale, and rotations, and I’ve confirmed that the origin for all items in the scene is set to the same point using the 3D cursor. Yet, entering edit mode messes up the alignment.
After I parent the bones And go into edit mode it the mesh jumps up in the z as before but in pose mode it is like object mode and looks ok

Any insights into what might be causing this issue would be greatly appreciated!"


Did you use IK?
and the length of the bones is minus one?


Yeah that lesson doesn’t get into the IK stuff yet I think it is the next one and I am not sure what you mean by minus one???

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I’m not sure if this is from last year or not, but in case it’s newer. I’m pretty sure the problem is that you have made a movement in pose mode. Ctrl+tab into pose mode then alt+g, alt+r, and alt+s.

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Yeah youre right that was the issue which I redid it and compared it to the first one. I then distracted by somthing else I was trying to figure out and never remeberd to come back and state it had been anwsered SORRY even see your guys post sorry I am new to the computer stuff and learning how to use this type of forum I get confused as to where I even post stuff lol so I am not very good at finding my questions and your responces in a timely manner very sorry


I know what you mean. I couldn’t even tell if this was December of last year or this year. I’m guessing from your response it was last year.

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Hi Guys,

I just wanted to drop a note here as the community forums will be getting an overhaul sometime in the future as we don’t want to lose the information contained here for reference.
For future questions however on the new site we have a cool new Q&A system that we are constantly improving to give notifications when you receive a response to a question so it will be much easier to find information there in the future.
Unfortunately I do not have a date as to when this will be happening as we are currently working on other features on our new site such as completion certificates as this is the most requested feature.

I thank-you for highlighting this and be assured we are aware that this site needs work.

All the best,


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