Once Again Santa ball Attacking!

Santa Ball going all out once again, having fun :slight_smile:
Here is Santa Ball entering party : Santa Ball: Beginning!

Preparing [Scene 1]


Strike! [Scene 2]


Thank you for all your attention!


Wow… how did you do that shinning light effect?

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Material on ball:

  • Metalic - 0.95
  • Roughness - 0.15

1.When you have less than 0.3 world is starting to relfect on material
2.Beyond 0.3 only light hanging on :slight_smile:

Material on pin [White]:
-Roughness - 0.1

Material on alley:

  • Metalic - 0.3
  • Roughness - 0.1

Scene Render Eevee
Screen Space Reflection - it is creating relfections experiment with this, funny option !
Shadows - Soft Shadows !
(I didnt know what these do, so it was all by accident that I found out, but later in the course this subject is more covered)
And additional lights inside this box, as well as behind the camera ( as you can see in reflection on the ball) I think thats all there is to this scene :slight_smile:

And ass you can see some things in Cycles things are a little bit different because in Eeeve you have to add things manually, while Cycles is all inclusive( that is why it is so heavy). If i said something wrong then my pleasure if somebody correct me!
and i hope it helped and enjoy exploring :slight_smile:


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