Ola, greetings from Portugal!

My name is Sergio and i am the new guy. I just started the course after a few weeks of playing around with blender by myself trying to do some 3D things for SecondLife (moslty low poly and box modeling with nicer textures).
First I was very intimidated by the complexity of Blender, but slowly i started to like it very much, so I guessed it was time to get my basics right and start to get into it a little deeper. After watching the first few videos, it looks like I made the right choice. Looking forward to having a lot of fun learning to master Blender with you all!
By the way, I solved the layout mess challenge by changing it to default using the info view.

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Welcome to the community, it does look intimidating at first, but after a little while all different tools are just opportunities to release all your creativity! Looking forward to see some of your models!

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