Okay, this is getting to me

My turret won’t move and it vanishes every time I compile or exit Unreal. On top of that, neither of them will move. This is starting to take me away, and definitely not the pleasant type… Or of course the dangerous type.

That’s a bug with the engine, don’t touch the details panel in blueprint. Instead assign the properties values in the construction script.

Meanwhile, I can’t make either the turret or the barrel move.

Could you show your code?

Is there more?

And your blueprints? Are the turret and barrel references set?

Notice how one of them is displaying the Details panel showing Barrel.

So you don’t have the turret and barrel meshes set? And you aren’t using the construction script to do so either?

The problem is that I am setting up the Turret mesh, but every time I close and compile, it goes away.

And using the construction script should solve that.

I am having a bit of trouble finding which one it is. There are so many to choose from, but one of them is the right one.

Drag Turret into the graph, drag off the pin and search for static mesh and then connect the execution pins up.

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Already put the Turret into the graph, but which Static Mesh? The one in the Details panel or what?

No, forget the details panel exists. Drag off of the turret pin in the graph.

I already put the Turret in the graph. Did you mean I was supposed to remove it or…?

Click that and drag off of it.

Oh, I see what your saying… Although… I feel like something is missing… Which is my fault that something is missing.

So have you found it then?

Well, no. That’s what I mean about that something being missing.

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