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Project Conquest
In the State of Nature, only the strongest leaders, and their subjects, will thrive. Others will fall to the perils of nature and war.
Genre: RPG (Skyrim), Third-person strategy (Civ V), roguelike (The Flame in the Flood)
Target Audience: 15 – violence and brutality, with occasional use of sexual politics
Controls: Point and Click for commands, keyboard shortcuts for battle control
Thematic Setting: Ancient, but genetically modern, humanity set in rich lands. Think 5000 years ago, in the lands surrounding Sumeria or Babylonia. You “win” the game by building a great empire. Unlike Civ V, you can be directly involved in the world as a military general in battle, or you can try to live a powerfully, thrilling live as a subject. Your goals can vary massively, like a good RPG, but you get achievements and trophies for things like having a prosperous family, making lots of gold, owning land, winning battles or being part of winning battles, or simply living a long time. After you die, extra points are gathered based on the value of the life you lead. Be a great leader, or a successful peasant! There is more than one route to power and grandeur.
Tech Stack: Unity3D 2018 for game logic. Blender 2.79 for models and assets. Gimp for textures and inventory sprites. Qsynth and MIDI Keyboard for SFX production. MuseScore for music composition. Audacity for sound editing and polishing.
Platform(s): Standalone desktop computer, initially for Ubuntu Software as a .snap package, or via a PPA.
Game Moment: You are looking for supplies for your tent and food, when you have to fight a thief. After killing him, you talk to an injured man who asks for you help, leaving you to choose to kill and rob, or enslave, or help and be friends with. The dialogue hints at the risk that he might backstab you if he thinks it’s in his best interest.
Game Summary: A procedurally-generated world where you basically have to live and survive, but get brownie points for living a successful life, whether that be wealth, power, prestige or family. This can be achieved through force, cooperation, siding with the right team or self-improvement.