Oh boy, boss, when do we get to unwrap? Plane Model

It’s simple, but the (relative) speed that I was able to make this compared to where I was just a month ago is really encouraging. Getting comfortable navigating in Blender still feels like a pretty Herculean task, but it no longer feels like an impossible one.



… but remember, you will be getting stronger, with more muscle memory …
Then you don’t think about hotkeys, but just pressing them!


Yeah! I’ve been using hotkeys for years in CSP and Photoshop (and recently DaVinci Resolve), so it’s just been a matter of sort of getting that language/muscle memory into my head and being able to make the jump. G/S/R and then X/Y/Z/, modified occasionally by shift is getting much more regular for me now in edit mode.


I got confused in DaVinci, until I realized I pushed the Blender hotkeys … darn. Blender is taking over my brain.


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