Ogre progress

Progress so far with the body. I’m pretty happy with it. Not so much the hands, but I’m taking it as a “lesson learned” and next time I think I’ll fully model/sculpt the hands, as I feel that will be easier for me.

Still running with my previous bio/description for this character. Very fat orc, but especially in the back you can still see all the muscle groups in there. So… this is one guy that while he might look big, fat and lazy… he’s built like a mountain under there! I’m particularly proud of the back, and the front torso (used sumo references for the front). Legs far less defined, but using elephant refs for that and… you can’t see any muscles really on an elephant leg/foot, so I added a touch of definition just so it didn’t look too out of place with the rest.

Additional note: It’s VERY interesting googling “topless male body builder” for references when your husband is in the same room, right behind you! :rofl:


Ogre is looking good. Just tell your husband you are modelling your ideal man! :rofl:

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My husband does vaguely resemble the ogre :thinking: :rofl:

(Message has been husband approved :+1:)

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