Ogre progress - blocking out colors

This was … interesting. For now, I color coded the different bits and bobs.

Getting the Normal map to work for these overhanging shoulder scales was a journey.

The eye, nose and mouth regions need some tweaks

I’m happy with the low-poly skulls

One thing I realized too late is an issue with the ammo belt.

In the part of the belt going from the bottom left to top right the bake didn’t work. It looks grainy and does not show the features present in the high poly mesh. It should look like the other part.

The belt was made starting from a plane (like the belt in the course), then shrink wrapped onto the body. In the solidify modifier I enabled Fill + Only Rim, to remove the faces in contact with the Orges’ body. The belt is mirrored. I applied the modifiers and then baked the belt. I think Fill + Only Rim causes the issue, since I used the same approach for the strip that holds the bullets in place - but I didn’t enable Only Rim, because I needed all faces. Hmm.

On the plus, compared to the course, in 4.0.2 baking from a multires modifier works.

More to come.


Wow thats a lot of work, good


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