Odd issue when hitting play

I followed the tutorial so far, compiled the C++ code, launched unreal, put down the tank, set it to be possessed by player 0, hit play, move forward and the capsule moves forward, the spring arm moves forward, the camera moves forward, but the base mesh and turret mesh go nowhere.
So I decided to F8 out of possession to check on it and this is what I saw:

yet when I stop playing and check on the tank in the regular outliner it goes back to this:

any hints on this?

What do you get if you remove that tank from the level and then add a new one?

Same result. I’ve already added a gamemode and made the default player pawn the tank pawn so it spawns a new one every time I hit start. I’ve also tried deleting and spawning a new tank into the level and possessing it, again same result.

Have you tried rebuilding?


Close Unreal and then delete the Binaries and Intermediate folders

didn’t do anything, it’s still busted.

update: found a fix, I deleted the blueprint class for tank and made another BP from the C++ class and it started working. A friend of mine told me to try it apparently it’s blueprint corruption or something.

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