Numerous errors and no virtual camera body and aim settings

As you can see in the image, as soon as you add a virtual camera after installing the cine machine, you get a huge number of error messages, and you can’t see any settings such as body and aim in the inspector. I’ve tried the same cine machine version as the lecture, and it’s the same when I make a different project file. How do I solve it?


Welcome to our community! :slight_smile:

Do you use an antivirus program or a firewall that might be blocking Unity? Since this problem occurs in different projects, it might be caused by your system. In that case, please try to reinstall Unity.

I’ve tried reinstalling and still get the same issue. Is there any other solution?

Since the message mentions the “Editor”, please go to Window > Layouts and select “Default”. If you created your own layout, remove that, select “Default”, rearrange the windows and save it again. Sometimes, the window layout breaks, and you get error messages because of that.

If that didn’t work, please go to Edit > Preferences > External Tools and click “Regenerate project files”.

If that didn’t work either, close Unity, delete the Library folder, launch Unity again, and open your scene. (Unity very likely loads its empty default scene.)

If the issue still persists, create a new project, and install the Cinemachine there. If you get those errors again, there is a general problem with your system. If you don’t get them, the problem is very likely limited to your actual project.

I changed it to Default, but the same error still occurs. Just in case, I’m also attaching the error message that appears at the beginning, so please check it out.

You are too fast. ^^

I’ve just edited my previous answer to suggest a few more potential solutions.

I tried everything you mentioned, and the result is still a lot of errors. “Regenerate project files” doesn’t seem to change anything when I click on it, but is it already working? Or did I have to wait a little bit?

First of all, if you think it’s a general problem with the system, can you tell me what to do? Should I reset my computer? Thank you for your kind reply, and I’d like to ask you a little more. Please.

In this case:

  1. Make a backup of your project folder by duplicating it. Save the duplicated folder somewhere else, maybe on an USB stick. To save some free space, you could delete the Library and Temp folders in the backup folder.

  2. Install the latest stable version of Unity 6.

  3. Import your project (not the backup!), open your scene. Go to Window > Package Manager, and update the relevant packages.

Should I reset my computer?

This is usually not necessary. However, in rare cases, especially if you installed a lot of different programs, it might be that your entire system is broken. In that case, reinstalling it could solve certain problems, and it also makes your system faster. It is not uncommon that programmers occasionally reinstall their operating system if odd problems appear that cannot be solved.

I’d like to ask you a little more.

Feel free to do that but let’s try to solve this problem first. :slight_smile:

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