Number Reaper, my take on NumberWizardUI, final game :)

Doing the WebGL port from the standalone version actually caused me more trouble than expected, but eventually I did it!!
I didn’t upload the Text101 because the story I came up with ended up being more of a inner circle joke with my friends hihi.
Anyways, I had a lot of fun doing the assets and also I’m quite happy with how this one turned out c:
Game (WebGL):

Screenshot (StandAlone):


This is awesome! Did you do the artwork?


The only one I didn’t do was the one on the screenshot, that one was made by a friend as an easter egg… It only have a 1% chance of appearing during the game :blush:


It a complete game! Very Fun to play. You are very good at this!


Truly awesome work! Such a fun design and tone. Love the thinking animations when he guesses. The lives saved/lost was a clever addition. Bravo!

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Very cool, I am just breezing over this section but you put in a ton of effort to make it great. Don’t worry though, I only breeze over this one as I have a really cool ideas for the block breaker and galaga type game sections.

Mind you I still drew my own assets for this game, I’ll try to improve the UI a bit more tomorrow now that I’ve seen yours and am a bit more inspired. Thanks for that!


I was thinking the same thing. I’m impressed whenever anyone goes the extra mile on these projects. I wanted to kind of breeze through this one so I’m reusing assets from a sidescroller I’m working on (did it for the CYOQ game too). This and a few others I’ve seen are inspiring me to put moe effort into my peojects for this course.

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Wow I didn’t see any of these comments till now, thanks everyone for your kind comments :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

It plays like one of those old school click games, but with a horror theme. The sfx and background music fit very well with the theme you chose. Overall very well designed. I’m impressed by the effort put into this.

I was sort of thinking about making mine into a more polished game, and this has given me some inspiration to do so.

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