Number Base - Challenge

I tried this with my favorite 137.

[Binary] = 10001001 (128+8+1)
137÷2 = 68 r 1
68÷2 = 34 r 0
34÷2 = 17 r 0
17÷2 = 8 r 1
8÷2 = 4 r 0
4÷2 = 2 r 0
2÷2 = 1 r 0
1÷2 = 0 r 1

[Hexadecimal] = 89 (16x8+9x1)
137÷16 = 8 r 9
8÷16 = 0 r 8

Good fun! :smiley:

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Great job with your challenge!

Great work on on the challenge @TheSnooze.

For reference, you can get the ÷ symbol by typing Alt+0247. Or you can just use / to denote a division (we tend to use the colon to represent ratios).

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Good hint. Thanks… Changed the post to get in the groove.

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