NullReferenceException on FindGameObjectOfType

So I have read everyone one else who had this issue here and I can’t figure out what is wrong with my script. Everything works when I declare the paddle public and attach it through the inspector, but as soon as I add the FindGameObjectOfType I get an error.

private Paddle paddle;
private Vector3 paddleToBallVector;
private bool hasStarted = false;

// Use this for initialization
void Start ()
    paddleToBallVector = this.transform.position - paddle.transform.position;
    paddle = GameObject.FindObjectOfType<Paddle>();

// Update is called once per frame
void Update () {

    if (!hasStarted)
        this.transform.position = paddle.transform.position + paddleToBallVector;

        if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown(0))
                print("Launching Ball");
                hasStarted = true;
                this.GetComponent<Rigidbody2D>().velocity = new Vector2(2f, 10f);



NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
Ball.Update () (at Assets/Scripts/Ball.cs:23)

is the error I am getting and my ball wont stick to paddle

I see one problem in your Start function: you use paddle to make you paddleToBallVector before you find the paddle gameObject in the scene. It should be the other way around:

void Start ()
    paddle = GameObject.FindObjectOfType<Paddle>();
    paddleToBallVector = this.transform.position - paddle.transform.position;

If that’s not the issue, try printing debug logs to see if the paddle has been found or not:

void Start ()
    paddle = GameObject.FindObjectOfType<Paddle>();
    if (paddle)
        Debug.Log("Paddle found");
        Debug.Log("Paddle not found!");
    paddleToBallVector = this.transform.position - paddle.transform.position;

That was the problem, Thank you for the help!!

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