Nullptr for barrel after adding the fire function?

LogProperty: Warning: Serialized Class /Script/Engine.StaticMeshComponent for a property of Class /Script/BattleGround.TankBarrel. Reference will be nullptred.
Property = ObjectProperty /Game/Tank/Tank_BP.Tank_BP_C:Barrel
Item = StaticMeshComponent /Game/Levels/BattleGround.BattleGround:PersistentLevel.Tank_BP2_2.Barrel

pretty sure it has nothing to with the fire() function i just added

i sorted this out by deleting the binaries and intermediate folder and restarting unreal. but now the barrel and turret are returning null. ive double checked the code and blueprints and cant see anything wrong.

There’s an engine bug in which the static mesh get’s unselected in blueprint. It sounds like that’s the issue it’s talking about.

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