Nothing works

I’ve reviewed and re-reviewed all the content of the video, and in my code, everything is correct, even Uproperty, but nothing works, the camera not apears in the capsule and the adws keyboard don’t execute any order.
I’m with version 4.25.3 of the Unreal and a Oculus rift s visor.
What could be the reason?
Thank you so much

I reinstall the Visual studio and all works fine.

i have also the same problem

Also like Kram, i have updated Visual Studio. After Restarting the PC everything works fine

Sometimes UE4 doesn’t pick up your latest changes. Making sure your code files are saved (CTRL+S) and hitting ‘Compile’ an extra time (next to the ‘Play’ button) should do the trick. (and make sure your game window is in focus by clicking on it if necessary so it can receive keyboard input)

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