Notes on tank game

This is right in my wheel house as I play, extremely well, Armored Warfare and World of Tanks. Below are a list of notes and even mentioning things that we should just avoid in this lecture since it won’t make the learning any easier.

Movement. Tanks are controlled by the speed and direction (forward and back ) of it’s tracks. This is done independently of each other. Unlike a car you can have one track moving forward and one moving backward. We will need to find a way to simulate this as bast as possible.

Speed. Speed is effected by terrain. Let’s think how heavy a tank is and then think of different types of ground and how it would react to a heavy vehicle driving on it. Then look at the videos of real tanks and see how they react. There is a great video on youtube about the tank olympics. You can watch the tanks turn stop and run in all types of terrain there.

Firing and hits. You need to deal with armor width and penetration. Also, if you want to REALLY get technical, you would need to look into angle of entry. This would also make a difference into the armor thickness and pen ability.

gun depression. Most tanks cannot fire below their horizon. Some can but not very far. This is due to the nature of the tank and it’s armor and protection of the gun mechanism.

THis should be a good amount of information for this project but there are sooo many real world scenarios that would make you really work at creating a monster of a game if you really went into it.

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