Notes, Observations, and Challenges to Overcome

My Notes Based On Observation…

  • The lower body and the part of the tanket which has the barrel move separately from each other.
  • The wheels on the tank as separate parts move up and down as they move over rough terrain, making it easier for the tank to move. I don’t think we’ll be worrying about that in this section.
  • Tanks move quite fast in real life, and in one video, they are shown to even drift in wet conditions.
  • When a taken fires, there is some shock that pushes some force back onto the tank.
  • In video games, based on observation, through War Thunder, Tanks needs to carefully navigate tight spaces by angling its lower body. The player appears to be able to move forward and backward, and pressing a direction affects the rotation of the tank.

After Playing World of Tanks…

Driving Tanks in video games from my experience had consistent controls.

  • Move the up or down to drive forward or reverse.
  • Hold left or right to rotate the tank and move it left or right.
  • Be able to strafe while looking at a direction different from the front of the lower body.
    Tank shells can bounce from a tank’s exterior.
  • The reticule while moving widens to indicate the player’s chances of hitting are low. The center reticule turns green when the player is aiming at a weak spot.


There are a few technical challeneges I considered playing World of Tanks.

  • The tank needs to have three different weak points. The treads, which immobilizes the player if destroyed, the weak spot of the tank, which if hit, inflicts greater damage. The rest of the tank’s body will account for the third, and take normal damage.
  • The controls will need to be very independent of each other. The direction the lower body faces and the barrel is independent of each other that, when looking at a direction, moving up or down while the lower body faces a different direction only moves the tank toward the lower tank’s direction.
  • The tank needs to be able to shoot while moving. The reticule needs to do what I described above if possible.
  • Rotation of the lower body needs to be rather slow.
  • The lower body and the top where the barrel is will move separately from each other.
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