I have Googled, installed the Net SDK 7.0, restarted. Not working. It’s probably a quick fix somewhere?
Recently, Omnisharp decided not to support Unity out of the box anymore.
Follow this link to turn support back on.
omnisharp not supporting unity - Google Search
Beyond this, make sure your Visual Studio Code plugin in Unity is up to date
In Editor|Preferences|External Tools, make sure Visual Studio Code is the code editor and Regenerate the project files.
I don’t see a link?
Ok, I followed the instructions and now I can’t open any files in Visual Studio at all. When I double click, the program opens to a blank page.
I downloaded the latest VS and now it’s taking 10+ minutes to even open the program…I Googled with no clear answers.
I got the thing to work again, but lightbulb and red lines do not appear. I followed all instructions.
Sorry, I forgot to paste the link in: omnisharp not supporting unity - Google Search
Unfortunately, because it’s open source and community driven, Visual Studio Code is a moving target when it comes to troubleshooting. I find that Visual Studio Community, while a much larger download, is significantly better with Unity than code.
I am using VS Community 2022. It’s still not getting the red lines and lightbulb.
Ah, the original post said Code, not Community.
Many people have reported issues with Visual Studio Community 2022. Visual Studio 2019 is recommended.
So I go back and do everything in 2019?
Just install Visual Studio 2019, and then in Unity, under Editor|Preferences|External Tools, select Visual Studio 2019 and then click on Regenerate Project Files.