Not being able to select bones in weight paint mode

I selected the metarig first, then the object, but I can’t seem to select individual bones. I tried using alt + LMouse, but whatever I do it does not select the bones.

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Ctrl+Shift L click is the shortcut.


I tried
Crtl shift L
Alt L
Shift L
Ctrl L
Ctrl Alt L
And any other combination not named here.

But none of those seem to work.

Um, Select the Armature then the Mesh before going to weight painting.
Set bones to ‘in front’ may help.

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I’ve selected the armature first and then the mesh.

As for the in front: I’ve turned that off because I had it in front at first, but it still didn’t work. Tried switching it on again, and still no luck. Perhaps I should just import it all into a new file? That’s called append isn’t it? I kinda have to look up how that works :’)

I also tried hiding the mesh, that didn’t work either.

I also thought about not having it parented right, but that doesn’t make sense, because I already made a rig, it wasn’t to my liking so now I have to weight paint manually.

Worth a try Appending in.

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You can always use the vert groups to select with.

I feel like there might be something wrong with the parenting. If you parent the object to the armature, you should be able to pose in pose mode right?

That does work :slight_smile: But I can’t see the bones that I’ve selected clearly. Is that normal?

My image is not wireframe, and with in front and names ticked. Not in any rendered/preview view either just the working view.
Yes should be poseable.

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It doesn’t pose either. I tried appending it, but it didn’t help. The only thing that worked was just selecting by using the vert groups. Thank you :slight_smile: I’m happy my work isn’t gone. It might not be ideal, but it works!

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Paint a bone area as you want, and then test the posing. It should then move that area you just weight painted to a bone. If not you are wasting your time anyway. Weight painting is to control the posing movement after all.

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Posing still doesn’t work, so I’m just generating the rig, and checking in the animation workspace. :slight_smile: Thank you for all your help.

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