Not able to upload game on

I tried to upload my game to . But I got this error - unexpected error (1) when parsing index file. I have followed the whole process but I am not able to upload. Even when I try playing my game by double clicking my index file this shows up -

Any help would be highly appreciated.

Hi Abeer,

According to the URL in your screenshot, the browser tries to run the game locally. Check the browser console. Does it say anything about CORS?

Hi nina, When I check the console . This is showing -
It is saying this about CORS -
from origin ‘null’ has been blocked by CORS policy: Cross origin requests are only supported for protocol schemes:

Theoretically, the CORS issue should not be a problem if you upload your game to a website. For testing the game locally, I usually set privacy.file_unique_origin to false in the settings of Firefox, then set it back to true when I’m done. See here. (You do not have to download anything.)

The last message could refer to a problem. does not support gzip compressed builds. Set the Compression Format in Edit > Project Settings > Player > WebGL > Publishing Settings to “Disabled”, build your game again and try to upload it again.

Did this work?

I tried it but it is still showing this message whenever I try uploading my game-

I drag and drop this file -

I checked that one more game exists with this name on . Should I try to rename my game too ?

Did you create this build with Unity 2021? If so, the website is not able to process WebGL builds created with Unity 2021 yet.

Duplicate your project folder, install Unity 2020, import the duplicated project and build the game again. That should work.

Thanks a lot nina. I duplicated and imported my game in 2020 version and i was able to upload it. Thanks a lot for your help. :slight_smile:

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