Not a rabbit

In the end I made a pokemon (that I adore…): Fennekin (a Fennec fox)
I modeled it with various techniques (even scultping) but not with metaballs, 'cause I needed quads.
I decided to abandon my werewolf rabbit, as the subject was too far from the atmosphere that is meant to be created in the project, bucolic and rural

I can’t wait to see how it goes with the fur



Really nice!

Think real fur there might not look too good though, but I hope to be wrong ! :smile:

Looking forward to see the result with fur

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WHOA! HOw the flip did you model this?/

Thank you :slight_smile:

I’ve done all this starting from basic meshes and going with vertex modelling… I’ve also used the sculpting tools but not with dyntopo active, because I hate triangles :smiley:

The Head is modelled from a cube (with subdivision surface applied) , Ears from a UV sphere, body and legs from cylinders

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