Normal map cage issue

Why is there this weird color when my cage mesh clearly overlaps the low poly mesh

cage mesh
bake setting

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Is it the HPthat is sticking through all?

If it is right under the body/legs attachment I would not worry about it no one will see any issues anyway.

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Do you have internal hidden faces?

  • Switch on X-Ray mode

i see nothing on xray mode and inside the mesh it is nothing. right now cavity and normal is plugged into lowpoly

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The course does not use a cage. Just checking you are using the right terms. Perhaps try a bake the way Grant does it plus extrusion factor that is next to the ray distance one in the bake tab.

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I have used a cage before and it worked okay, however I found out that I didn’t need a cage if I set the extrusion to “0.02” and not the max ray distance. Instead of the cage, try this first. If it still doesn’t work out, let me know. I’ll think of some more solutions :+1:
baking help 1


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