Normal and Glabal Lines

I need some help. I try to get my crown right, but when i click on global or normal i don’t see the blue lines. I went back to see the normal topic in the course but it does not explain the lines when there gone.

The blue lines showing the normals direction are not visible by default.

You can turn on the ones you need in the overlays dropdown in the top right of the working window. Little icons almost as the bottom of that drop down panel.

hm as i understood you right it should be here somewhere right?

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Yes, choose one of the three normal types.

Yes! above the word, Freestyle is a row of icons.

Icons I hate as buttons for this reason, you need to know them to identify them. Makes it impossible to find new stuff. Word buttons are better! imo.

The first in the row means display the vert normal, the second the edge normal the last the face normal. They change colour when clicked for ‘on’. The number along from ‘size’ lets you alter the displayed length.

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