Non-humanoid characters

The course seems very focused around the humanoid character type. If I were planning to build in some NPCs/enemies that were quadrupeds, can anyone give me a bit of a hint as to the approach to take? I am thinking that “humanoid movement” is one of 3-4 movement types, each with their own movement component, animation controller, etc.

I think at this stage the decisions I made early on are causing a few headaches!

A non-human will be made with its own distinct avatar, and its animations will have to be made for that avatar. It’s no different really - your 3d modeller can probably do it in the same program that he created the model, though sometimes this has to be handled by a seperate person after the model is created.

The point is that its harder to mix and match animations. You’ll want animations made (or modified) for that model.

The Complete Blender course teaches you how. They animate an anamorphic lamp in that course. (Because an animated candlestick would be too Disney…)

Thanks for the reply. I was not very clear in my question: I am more struggling with how to develop the scripts within the framework being used in the course’s RPG. I have developed a nice stack of models in Blender and want to know the approach to developing the abstracted “character” class with these in mind.

e.g. “movement” is very different for a quadruped and a biped, winged or some kind of slow-moving slime (for example!). The focus on de-constructing the character controller has left me a little bewildered as to how I can implement an abstracted character class that enables different types of movement.

But thanks for the response anyway :slight_smile:

The movement can be handled within the animation itself. There’s some process in blender or other 3d modelling programs where you can make a skeleton and record animations of the skeletal movements.

So you can animate the walking of a horse. Once the animator starts the walking animation, the script just moves the object’s transform.

By moving something called a “root node” in the animation software, you could actually bake movement into the animation. Then the script doesn’t have to move the transform at all. Just start and stop the animation. This is a good option for broken non-linear movement like a rabbit’s hops or a zombie’s shuffling.

But as far as scripting, it’s really no different. The animations can be made within blender.

As far as deconstructing the standard assets, I wouldn’t
bother. Making your own character controller from scratch seems far less complicated, especially if you’re not going to worry about multiple control schemes.

The standard assets are intimidating.

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