No sync and can move unowned onjects

So, when I build the game, and host it, I can join in the editor, but what I do in the editor doesn’t affect the build. And I can move the unowned object, which was specifically stated to not be possible. Here are some pictures.

Hi ZayJayPlays,

In your OnNetworkSpawn override method you are making the base call to OnNetworkDespawn and it should be base.OnNetworkSpawn.

Also noting that your autocomplete/auto correct does not seem to be working which means either the incorrect dotnet versions are installed and you need to get the 4.7.1 developer pack and remove all others (You have to run the installer to uninstall it as the easiest option) or you dont have the correct packages installed.

Hope this helps


Thanks for catching that. That solved the moving unowned objects, but the build of the game still isn’t syncing with what’s happening in the editor.

Nvm, I started the next lesson, and it worked like that. Thank you

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