No overload for method 'StartMoveAction' takes 2 arguments


i have been down so many rabbit holes with this it seems like such an easy fix but i am having no luck.

i have been getting an error " No overload for method ‘StartMoveAction’ takes 2 arguments" i have even reverted to exactly what is in the code given but i am still getting the same issue.
mover script

 public void StartMoveAction(Vector3 destination)

Playercontroller script

       private bool InteractWithMovement()
Vector3 target;

            bool hasHit = RaycastNavMesh(out target);

            if (hasHit)


                if (Input.GetMouseButton(0))


                    GetComponent<Mover>().StartMoveAction(target, 1f);



                return true;


            return false;


player controller

any help is really appreciated.
Thank you.

Hi All,

This has been solved.

i would love to tell you how i did it but i dont know.

The Mover you posted only has the destination, and not the speed, so I’m guessing the change was to implement the speed factor variable so you can set the NavMeshAgent’s max speed accordingly.

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