No "Open Visual Studio code" menu entry


I just followed the video about “Setting up VScode in Unreal” and after pressing “generate VS code project”, I do not get the file “BullCowGame.code-workspace” but “UE4.code-workspace” and I do not get the menu entry “Open Visual Studio code”.

I tried to restart UE but I still do not get this menu entry. If I try to open the cpp and h files in VS code, all include statement are red. This makes the editing of cpp annoying because auto-completion does not work. Do you have an idea of what is going wrong?

I have added the generated code-workspace file if it can give you hints.

Gatien (292 Bytes)

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I’m having this problem too.

What OS are you two using?

Hello. I’m personally using Windows7.

Could you show screenshots of your directory and File options inside Unreal?


here are the screenshots. I hope it help figuring out…

And I’m assuming doing it again doesn’t yield a BullCowGame workspace?

What about right clicking the .uproject in File Explorer and generating the project from the context menu?

Clicking on “Generate Visual studio code project” in UE, does not yield to a BullCowGame workspace.

I just tested the solution you proposed, it does not produce the file. This action produces the same UE4.code-workspace file. However, I just noticed that Windows righ-click menu propose “Generate Visual studio project” (without ‘code’ like we have if we choose “Visual studio” in UE as source code editor).
Is it an hint for you?


Anyway, thanks for your time. I’m still able to follow the rest of the lectures. The only annoying parts is that auto-completion is not present in VS code and it keeps on telling me that my code is wrong. VX code seems to not know UE C++ packages…

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