No matinee actor when opening ModularBuildingSet in UE 5.1

There’s no MatineeActor and I get a compile error when hitting play in the ModularBuildingSet asset. I copied the demo level to the ‘maps’ folder, as shown in the video, then double clicked it, and I get an error: Blueprint Failed to compile: FPS_Level

I opened the blueprint and it looks like this:

In the words of the Grand Galactic Inquisitor, IGNORE ME!!

Yes, the MatineeActor is missing, and yes, this blue print causes an error at runtime, but none of that matters if you watch the lesson first and then go back to run through the steps, because you are going to delete all of these blueprint nodes…sigh…

on a side note, yes, I’m the guy that looks for the dishwasher pellets for ten minutes, then asks a clerk for help, who points out they are on the shelf next to me.



To what lesson are you refering? With what was the Matinee Actor replaced?

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