No idea how to scale properly with mirror modifier

Hi , I guess I’m doing something wrong , but I can’t find a way how to scale the same way I see it in the lesson .

It scales up and down if I set median point to cursor ( which makes sense I guess )

Or like this (which also makes sense ) but I watched the process in video few times and there it work same as without using the mirror modifier my question is why and how ? :smiley: thank you

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It is to do with the pivot point. Without a mirror the median point of a circle is the middle. But for half a circle it is not. So when scaling with a mirror modifier on you need to use the 3D cursor as the pivot point, having set it to the centre line of the mirror, and the front and back centre too. In the standard case like here that will be the world centre.


Did you scale using s shift z ?

What it does, is scaling on the X, Y ax, not the Z-axis (shift z)

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That does the trick , Thank you .

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