No Enemy Movement: Lecture #47 - Unity 3rd Person Combat & Traversal

Enemy Only Moves when Animator is Disabled: Lecture #47 - Unity 3rd Person Combat & Traversal

My code looks identical to Nathan’s code, and everything was working fine until I hit play.

My enemy (Werewolf in the picture) detects the player and begins its running animation, but the enemy stays in place. If I select the enemy during runtime, I can see that the Navmesh collider on the enemy DOES move toward the player, but the enemy’s Character Controller collider stays put on the enemy as it runs in place.

Now, if I disable the Animator component on the enemy, it will follow the player no problem, but then it’s stuck in the T-pose animation.

How can I get the enemy to follow the player AND keep the Animator component enabled at the same time?

I attached some screenshots:
Image 1 - default setup in Editor mode (for context)

Image 2 - Animator ENABLED, ONLY enemy’s Navmesh moves toward player, Enemy DOES NOT move and just runs in place (it does switch states though when in/out of range)

Image 3 - Animator DISABLED, the Enemy AND its Navmesh both successfully move toward player, but the Enemy stays in T-pose animation and never leaves

Image 4 - Inspector for Enemy (part 1)

Image 5 - Inspector for Enemy (part 2)

Update: Turning on Root Motion does allow the character to do all of the above, but I see a lot of mentions online of it NOT being a good idea to turn Root Motion on when using the Animator.

I also see that Nathan does not turn it on, and I’ve seen comments in this course suggesting to not turn it on, which is why I really would like to find an alternative solution if anyone is aware of one!

Hi oiNoble, welcome to the community. In the Animator component for the enemy, you do not have an Avatar selected. This prevents the animation and the movement from working together correctly. I have done this myself more times than I am willing to admit.

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Hi & thank you so much for the response. I ended up asking this on the lecture as well, but you were absolutely correct. If it’s okay, I’m going to include my response in the lecture that also contains a final question I have about using Synty characters (with their own Avatars) when uploading them to Mixamo to download new animations.

  • the main issue was that I was taking a Synty character that came with its own Avatar and uploading it to Mixamo, where I presume that uploading the Synty character to Mixamo and then downloading the animations would result in the original Synty Avatar no longer working with the new Mixamo animations.

So, it seems if an Avatar comes with a character you download, you should just stick with that Avatar and NOT reupload the whole character into Mixamo as I think this clashes with the character’s original Avatar.

With that being said, I originally uploaded this character to Mixamo to gain access to more animations, such as attacks, that did not come with the character.

Is there a way to import a Synty character (with its own Avatar and some Synty locomotion animations from the same pack) into Unity and also be able to then download additional Mixamo animations to use with this Synty character? Or is this just not possible due to the Avatar clashing with Mixamo animations?

Thanks again for all your help. This “Avatar” issue has actually been something that has stumped me in the past, but I feel a lot more informed about everything now!

Synty Studios has a video on their YouTube channel that shows how to use their models with Mixamo animations. If you can’t find it, I will post a link after work tonight.

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Amazing. I would love to see a video that goes over this!! Thank you!!

Here is the link:

Synty Maximo Tutorial


Thanks so much!!

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I put the link on your Udemy question as well (before I saw what a fantastic job @edc237 was doing!).


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