No Emission help?


I am certain my code is identical and my console (as seen in the video) reports no errors. The emission.isEnabled works correctly too as it is toggled by the ‘fire’ key, but no particles are emitted. Any suggestions? I tried fiddling almost all the settings in the inspector. If it helps, here is a video of it in action (after turning off the animator).

This is perhaps the third or fourth time my code/project has not behaved as expected. It’s not the fault of your code, it seems that I’m having problems with Unity. I generally need to restart Unity for many of the changes to work and a fresh install hasn’t done anything. I’ve upgraded but not downgraded, I’ll try that too. I expect that my Unity installation could be to blame for this problem too unless I’m missing something obvious. It’s getting to the point where it’s affecting my morale.

I’m going to carry on with the broken weapons for now just to finish the project.

Hi elkdev,

First of all, check which game object your code accesses. It must not be a prefab. Secondly, check the position of your particle system in your scene. Then if it can be played in the scene. If it can, try to enable prewarm and restart your game. You could also test the different Culling Mode options. Also increase the Life Time for testing purposes.

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Thank you. Simply (I can see it in hindsight clearly), the guns were turned off. The code originally set them as active, but since the update to the emission, no code turned them on again, only the emission module. I have forgotten the harsh nature of debugging and that the solution is usually frustratingly obvious. :sweat_smile:

Thank you.

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