No copy method function or highlights in MVS

Hi i have a small problem in Microsoft Visual Studio some of the words are not being highlighted and i am unable to extract methods also the (auto finish / hint) function doesn’t work.
i can still work through the tutorials and everything works fine but those functions are useful and any help getting them back would be much appreciated.

thank you

Hi Christian,

This issue might suggest only the file is open and not the project, as such Visual Studio will not have a reference to the various libraries required to understand specific classes. That said, in your screenshot Visual Studio hasn’t underlined things like Vector2 or transform for example.

I note that your screenshot also indicates that there is an update available for your installation. There was a significant issue in version 15.9.2, and VIsual Studio Tools for Unity, you can find details regarding this here;

If you have this version installed I would highly recommend updating it to avoid these issues.

Hope this helps :slight_smile:

Hi Rob
Thank you for your help i installed the latest version of visual studio and it seems to have fixed the problem.

Thank you

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Hi Christian, great news, I’m glad you can move forward with the course again :slight_smile:

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