No changes in this file have been detected. Source tree problem!

Suddently it appears that my Source Tree can not see the changes of all my files

I tried to go on SourceTree -> Tools -> Options -> Diff -> and increase the values of size and stuff like that (like it said in the web) but the problem still remains :frowning:

Your issue is due to your .gitattributes saying to treat that file as binary instead of text. Could you show what you have for your gitattributes?

You also have an additional problem. You are on a detatched head meaning you aren’t on a branch, so if you ever switch branch your commits are lost.

Click on “Branch” and create a new branch with a name like “development”.

You might then what to commit your changes, switch to the master branch and then merge the branch you just created.

I already did the branch thing so I resolved the problem with the detatched head so thanks!

However I did not understand what to do with the .gitattributes. How can I show it to you? I don’t know where it is.

Thanks for the help by the way.

It’s just a file like .gitignore and most likely will be in the root of your repo.

This is the root of my repo:

When I enter the folder .git I see this:

And when I edit config file via NotePadd++, it is like this:
repositoryformatversion = 0
filemode = false
bare = false
logallrefupdates = true
symlinks = false
ignorecase = true
autocrlf = false
eol = lf
wmstate = normal
geometry = 1109x563+224+224 216 255

Could you open the terminal and do

find . -name .gitattributes

Does that produce any output?

No output at all:

Weird guess git just made an incorrect guess. You can force it by creating said .gitattributes and putting

*.h diff

in it.

I created a file .gitattributes just like you said:

Then past the code that you’ve told me:

And then now I did the command:

Well, actually I might have discovered the problem!
I putted my name as Vicente Félix and “é” is a special caracther… Maybe it’s because of that.
I will create a new game and try to do the same again so I can train and I will will create as Vicente Felix and see the differentece.
Thank you very much DanM for the help and patient!

That command was just to see if you had one in a subdirectory. If you stage the .gitattributes file now then that’s all you need to do. The header file should now be diffed correctly.

Thank you for all your help DanM!

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