No animatorOverride for non-humanoid characters

Hi community,

Probably a simple answer but im missing it.
In the RPG course, how would I go about having no animation override controller on, say, non-humanoid characters. So for example, a spider enemy that has its own animations. I dont want to be overriding the animations that came with the asset (i just changed the triggers), but when the game starts, the defaultAnimationOverrideController from WeaponConfig takes over and the spider does not animate correctly. Its interesting that I also needed to set the LeftHand and RightHand transform still.

The spider enemy will have no weapons attached, but needs the fighter script, so it wont need any overrideControllers at all.

What would be agood work around for this?


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I took the RPG course a few years ago, so I don’t exactly remember how Sam structured the code, but from what you are saying, you’ll need to create a new ‘Animator Controller’ specifically for the spider, as for the script, well… that would be the biggest issue, the easiest way to do this is to create a script to handle the spider’s behaviour, but, if you are planning on creating multiple enemies, then you’ll end up with way too many scripts, so you’ll have to structure your code to prevent that from happening, like having a whole non-humanoid enemy inheritance hierarchy, just like how Sam did that for humanoid characters.

Hope this helps, but if it doesn’t, maybe @Brian_Trotter can help you.

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