Newbie here | Not sure what I'm doing wrong

Just following instructions, but I’ve noticed your video doesn’t include the, #include “stdafx.h” code. Running the code without that line gives me errors so I just left it in and continued to follow along. Is it supposed to be there? Just a bit confused about that as there isn’t any mention of that specific line.

But by leaving it there and continuing with the lesson gives me more errors to weed out.

Any help appreciated :slight_smile:

Ah, good ol’ precompiled headers. :slight_smile: For such a small project you really don’t need pch. If you go into your project properties, under C/C++ -> Precompiled Headers you can set the first option to “Not Using Precompiled headers”. Then you can just delete stdafx.h/stdafx.cpp from your project and remove the #include. If you want to read up on pch uses check out the wiki article here.

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Ah thank you sir!

If you could direct me on fixing these last 3 errors as well I will forever be in your debt. :slight_smile: Sorry for the trouble.

oh wait i forgot a bracket, nvm lol.

Darn, I was looking forward to you being forever in my debt. :smiley:

Glad you found the solution. :+1:

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You still have a chance! Adding that one bracket gave me more grief. Sheesh, so touchy lol gotta love being a noob. But this is what is happening now…

It looks like it isn’t recognizing cout and i feel like the solution is so obvious but I can’t figure it out.

Using should be lower-case: using namespace std;

Remember, C++ is case sensitive. :slight_smile:

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My soul is yours. lol

Thank you.

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