New To GameDev

Looking to Chat with anyone that is just starting this course,As i don’t no anyone IRL that is interested in coding.
Il be glad to hear how your finding this course and what your plan is for the future.
My Main goal is just a hobbyist as im 50+ so left it a bit late for a job in the industry.
Cant believe how many resources are out there now and most for free.
I tried to learn basic back on the zx81 but at that time only resources were gaming mags.

Hi Paul,

Have you already seen our Discord chat? :slight_smile:


Welcome to GameDev Community!

I can’t recommend enough, throughout all the courses I’ve taken with GameDev, I can guarantee their quality. Not to mention that the instructors have great use of language and break down the course sections into as much detail as possible (even the advanced courses have a ton of detail in that you could probably understand once you have a footing in programming/developing).

I’m unsure on what specific course you are looking at (other than Unity courses), however I’m confident you will get on well with it.

My recommendation is to follow along with the videos in real time, pausing when needed, to create the same game, then to learn further, change aspects of the game (which is encouraged during the videos too) to put your spin on it.

Throughout the courses also, you are recommended to share your projects with the community, whether it’s to showcase your work or to ask for advice, so far what I’ve seen of the community is very friendly. You’ve hit the jackpot here.

I hope you continue on to enjoy your time on the course and in the community.

Have a great day!

Thanks for the reply I’m just going through the unity 3D for bigginers. Iv been learning on the unity learn for last couple of months and have really been enjoying it.
IV got some of the basics down fields methods loops and property’s,but thought it would be good to go through a more structured course like this to help cement it all down.
Ye I have joined the discord just thought I’d reach out to anyone that’s just started this course as I’m really enjoying it.
As I don’t no anyone that is in to programming personally

I’ve just moved your thread to our ‘Talk’ subforum, so other students can join this discussion and share their experience, advice and opinions.

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