New TileMap feature

I know this hasn’t been covered in the course yet but wanted to ask this in case anyone is familiar with it. I’m working on a game, recreating an old 8 bit game that I loved as a kid (Ultima), and wanted to know if this is the tool to use. Unity has the new Tilemap feature for doing top down tile based games. A few questions.

  1. Does it support wrap around? Meaning no matter which way you travel you’ll come back to same point.
  2. Can you animate tiles? Some of the tiles I want to have simple animations (2 or 4 frames). And if so can they be synced so that certain tiles of the same type that have animation are all showing the same frame of animation at the same time.
  3. Can I control tile from script based on location. So I already have an algorithm to black out tiles based on line of site and want to know if I could do this with the new Tilemap feature. Meaning I just need access to change a tile’s sprite from code at run time. I would assume that would be possible.

I’ve already mostly done my remake in Python using PyGame so is a matter of choosing the best method in Unity. Was thinking either Tilemap or doing an all UI solution.

I wouldn’t be able to tell you how, but I’m sure that in Unity, with C#, you could prefab a spawn-point and prefab each tile type. Then, you could procedurally generate tilemaps of arbitrary size, with or without wraparound. Pretty much anything in Unity can be controlled with an animator and/or script.

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