New student

Can any one of my brother can tell me how do you feel taking this course i mean what did you understood from this is it good i mean will i be able to advance in this as i am very interested in this
and doing my best whit this course anyone plz share your experience with this course

Far from a perfect student, due to a demanding day job.
Started and stopped more times than I can remember over the last 3 months or so.
It was a few days ago, when I woke up spontaneously at 3am to model a noob version of Captain America’s shield. by 6am, I was shocked at how instinctively I picked the right mesh, easily navigated between vertices and edges [terms I haven’t uttered since High school] confidently flipping my model around, putting it exactly where I wanted, snapping vertices and edges exactly where I wanted, doing the “math” in my head regarding how many points (vertices) and lines (edges) would make a perfect 5 pointed star, I was beaming with pride at my crude, but certainly nothing to smirk at “Shield”.

Their enthusiasm is infectious.
They are top of the class instructors who have the ability to explain complex concepts in “ordinary speak”
and I subscribe to the Aristotle theory of repetition. Like they both said, you’ll get the most out of this (or any) course if you put in the most effort.

Don’t skip ahead.

Did I mention that I’m trying to make city blocks, Super heroes and Shields, yet I’ve been starting and stopping?

It’s great to be ambitious, but I believe we need to master the fundamentals before we advance to the Elite;
in other words, we must all learn to walk before we run.

Pace yourself.

Do all the challenges, learn what’s there to be learned in sequence, practice, practice, practice…

I believe Michael said “the mother of all skill is repetition”.

I started out making 5 wedges a day.
(not every day, but I tried)
painful at first, but as you progress, you discover new ways to do old things… and now, I can make a “wedge” in 4 or 5 clicks. (cheating with the Bevel Tool)

These are small “Wins” and they are critically important in order to build confidence, and sustain momentum.
Never joined such a community, but I feel this is a necessary step to “engage” if you will, with like minded creative people.

Ultimately it really boils down to you to “make it so” (okay I’ll stop)

You get out of the course, what you put into it.

Best of luck friend!


Thanks so much sir can you kindly share your work with me i’ll be delighted to see your work.


“The training is nothing!, the Will!, is everything!” - Ra’s Al Gul, Batman Begins.

A few more things though… allow me to clarify (ramble on) just a bit…

I stumbled on the course 4, maybe 5 months ago.
Before that, a blender was no more than a household kitchen item.

I’ve had several books, videos, subscriptions, to multiple sites, trying to learn various Game Development software but it wasn’t until Blender that I actually made something worth sharing.

I’ve primarily watched the course videos on my Iphone half asleep during the day on the subway en route to work, and also, half asleep on the way back home.

That’s not nearly enough I’m afraid. As soon as I tried to actually move windows on top of each other, and avoid duplicating windows (I still struggle with that) I realized that you can’t just learn by watching or reading, you have to actually “do” to learn. or someone put it another way…

"Sooner or later you’re going to realize, just as I did, that there’s a difference between knowing the path and walking the path.” - Morpheus, The Matrix

I’m still amazed at how quickly you can “make something” in Blender. Something that actually “looks like something”

It’s like a virtual pottery class without the mess, and with infinite tools:

“You’re familiar with the phrase “man’s reach exceeds his grasp”? It’s a lie: man’s grasp exceeds his nerve” - The late David Bowie’s Tesla, The Prestige

For someone who has barely made it past the 4th section, I still pause and look down at the keyboard in amazement after I instinctively TAB to switch between edit and object mode, CTRL + TAB to switch between Vertex, Edge, and Face select, and roll my eyes as I CTRL + ALT + U to enable 3 Button mouse emulation as I switch between workstations just so I can rotate with CTRL + ALT and the scroll wheel…

Sounds like a mess, yeah… I didn’t know what any of that meant 5 months ago, & that’s exactly my point.

My endorsement of this course is based solely on my experience.

After years of stopping and starting, which, I now accept may be part of the process, the progress I’ve made with Blender dwarfs everything I’ve done in the past.

Should I attribute that to this course? I don’t know.

Great time to Segue to my Avatar…

That’s not my work, I got it from here;

after a quick google search.

If you stare at the center long enough (doesn’t everybody?) you’ll make out an equilateral pentagon with the 5 Vertices meeting at the geometric center of the Shield (flattened cone)

This is beginning to sound like an Ode to Blender, but you start to see geometric shapes EVERYWHERE
and it’s a beautiful thing.

I’m not quite comfortable sharing my work just yet, I mean think about it…

one of the first things they recommend in this course is to join the community; it’s only taken me 5 months to do that, less than 15 minutes to decide I’m qualified to answer your post, and this aint bad for a second post, If I do say so myself.

Once I’m comfortable sharing, I’ll be sure to share in the appropriate GameDev forum, wherever that may be.

(totally don’t even know)

It’s also important to separate my work from work presented by the course because (obviously) YMMV, and my progress (or lack thereof) is in no way representative of your abilities, latent superpowers, or affinity to the Instructors, or even 3D modelling as a whole.

“Anybody On Our Side Hiding Any Shocking, Or Fantastic Abilities They’d Like To Disclose” - Tony Stark, Captain America Civil War

When I first “made something” as guided by the course with blocks (block modelling) I had a Eureka moment…
the next logical step was to create…


Hours in, I was frustrated and went out for Pizza.

3 weeks later… I started over from Section One.

Pace yourself, do not rush, and START SMALL.

We need small wins to build confidence.

We’re supposed to start off making small things, like ,a block house, as opposed to the few days I spent modelling a poorly off scale low poly Empire State Building.

I gained so much more creating Wedges over & over again than the hours spent figuring out if this “looks right” or if that stairway is too wide. Nothing wrong with that, Tinkering is awesome, and I suspect as I get better, I may discover that this is a large part of the process, but it’s not time for that yet; I’m not there yet.

Or perhaps create a double- A battery instead of Burj Khalifa

Even Cap’s shield is a little much (though I can’t imagine why everyone isn’t making one)

lastly I wouldn’t want to influence your decision either way by how good or how awful my “art”, if one can use the term, actually is.

It’s not that I’m not proud of what I’ve made thus far, I’m very proud to be frank. And yet, as I rate myself a 2/100 in proficiency / quality of models, I firmly believe that the fact that I’m able to create something fairly complex with minimal effort may be a contributing factor in why I haven’t progressed or grown as a 3D artist as far as I ought to have by now.

Go slow, don’t rush it. be patient, focus on the FUNDAMENTALS! (as Michael says in the course)

I suppose I’ll have to go through this with Unity, Unreal, ARKit, but the joy truly is in the struggle and the journey. Try not to fast forward through the “good” part.

Best of luck my friend!

“You wanted a chance to make law, well here it is, make it a good one” - Captain Jean Luc Picard


Thank you so much for the inspirational reply.

For me personally, this course took a long period. And I can say it’s worth the effort.
In the beginning of the course, it goes fast. You learn a lot, it is fun! And then you start to deviate from the lessons, because you want to create something else. That’s good!

But at some point you will return to the lessons, because it will improve your work. In the middle of this course, things get tough. Not because of it’s difficulty, but because of render times. Then it’s difficult to keep motivated. When you want to create instead of waiting for the render results.

So try to find where your motivation comes from. Use that energy to help you to walk through the part of the course of less interest. But follow them all!! It will give you better understanding of working in the world of 3D.

After I had completed this course, I think different about 3D. I like modelling, but for me it’s not the most difficult part. The difficult part ( I think ) is the aspect of what you are trying to tell to the viewer. Things like composition, lighting, animation, details, focus, material design, lean and mean modeling.
Everyone can make shiny things with this software. But how you use it in the scene that’s really the difficult part.

But above all, have fun!!


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