New Input System only gives value -1 and 1

I thought it was neat how in the old system the value would ramp up and we have control over that behaviour. Looks like the new system lacks this and we on get -1 and 1 right away?
So the only way to achieve this effect in the new system is to implement it manually?
I looked around in the settings and didn’t find anything that would help.

Hi Terraromaster,

That’s right. If you use a keyboard, you get only -1 and 1. There is no transition over time like with Input.GetAxis.

However, you could write your own code for interpolating the values. In the Realm Rush section, Gary moves an enemy from one position to another position with the Lerp method. If you write your own lerp method, you could, for example, use a coroutine.

Also please feel free to ask our helpful community of students over on our Discord chat server.

Good luck! :slight_smile:

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