New Head Sculpt

Hi there,

this is my second attempt on a head sculpt and weight painted hair.
I found it was really difficult to create beard, eyebrows and sideburns.
The weight paint never seems to be really on spot and the hair look unreal.
I tried to work on the strand shapes but to get better results I had to grow a lot of children
what in the end kills my work performance in the viewport.

I would really appreciate feedback to the head sculpt itself and the hair. Some advice is of course welcome.

Thanks in advance!

PS: Sad face is intended



I find this projecr very good. And yes it has its problems.
But human faces are very difficult to do.
But that said you on the right track. Good project.

Because you are painting vertices. And therefor the gradient between to vertices.
So adding more vertices increases weight paint details.

And then we have also Eevee with its hair quirks.

It’s also possible to add hair by hand (one by one), then activating child hair strains. to create more of the same.

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Thanks Pete! Yes, you are totally right, I tried to keep the amount of vertices little.
This will be the problem…

I am going to do a second try on the eyebrows today. Wish me luck…

Other trick is to copy (duplicate) parts of the mesh, to place hair on it, and make that part of the mesh invisible. (forgot where this option is).

you can hide the emitter in the particle properties (if that is what you mean).

That is actually what I am doing right now with the eyebrows

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