New courses?

Is there any chance for new courses in unreal? I’ve taken most of the c++ courses and non of them seem to have touched on Save Game or binding widgets to c++ functions. I didn’t even know Widgets can be animated, but I don’t think that’s extremely important.

All I’m saying is I would pay for courses that showed best practices for Save Game and UI development in C++ and I think Save Game is extremely important for any developer to learn

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Save games are nothing special. You basically create a class based on USaveGame and add properties to it. Then there are a couple of functions for saving and loading. There are a few quirks but that’s it.

Binding widgets. That is a tough topic and yet simple too. It relies on the control name matching the c++ property and the type being correct too. Honestly, widgets are best left to blueprint. I was messing with an idea and I spent a day just getting the widget in C++ to demonstrate exactly what you’re talking about. I also tried upgrading the C++/unreal 4 multiplayer course to 5.5 and that went spectacularly wrong.

Animation in blueprints. Now that is fun and incredibly useful. You can use it for fading in and out, sliding stuff in for cool effects, all sorts of stuff. I even used it to replace a timer in the toon tanks game, instead creating an animation that when finished signaled game start.

I’ve actually been prototyping an idea that covers most of this but it became a beast. So, instead I’m going to do a lot more with it. Like, I have music that doesn’t restart on level restart, score system with save to disk, animated blueprints and the hud gets updated from C++ code exposed to the widget.

It’s pretty much everything you mentioned there.

Anyway, I’ll pass on the request.

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