Network Prefabs list

Using Netcode 1.4 and Unity 2022.3 LTS, the network prefab list seems to take an object of type NetworkPrefabsList rather than individual prefabs. I’m assuming that’s a change due to the version. Or did I miss something?


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Right click in the project folder > Create > Netcode > Network Prefabs List. Then assign the prefabs to the list in that scriptable object it creates. Then drag that object into the Network Prefabs List in the Network Manager in your scene.

At some point Unity changed how the Network Prefabs List works on the Network Manager. I’m using Netcode For GameObjects 1.5.1 and now you need to make a NetworkPrefabsList asset in your project folder to hold registered prefabs. This does make it much easier to register and swap out lots of prefabs.


Hi Larry,

Yes they have made a change but it only happens if you are using the LTS version so hence why we didnt encounter it when the course was made.
@Space_Masters is absolutely correct in his reply and the suggestion for a fix as we applied the same patch to the course today which should be uploaded very soon.

Thanks to you both for highlighting this issue and also the solution.

I will be re-running the course in the LTS version and with the Netcode for Gameobjects version 1.5.1 to ensure that there are no more issues along the way.

Edit :- Apologies that we missed this question when it was posted as we have had an issue with our tags which appear to be fixed now.


Thanks for the replies. No worries, I got past that issue when I posted the message, but left the message here in case you wanted to address it or in case someone else was confused :slight_smile:

@Marc_Carlyon I know we were in early access when I posted a couple of messages. I thought that might have been the issue with them being missed. Glad it’s all squared away.

BTW, still loving the course :smiley:


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