Nelvaris: First Contact. A space combat game

I have posted screenshots of my upcoming game a few times as the name First Contact: Earth.
The game is coming along nicely and is now known as Nelvaris: First Contact.

I am near the end of creating a new demo for the game and it should be ready by the end of next month.

Currently the demo has a handful of ship types in it, as well as a training mission and a couple of levels. The UI is still basic and I plan to rework it in time, and a good portion of the space combat is already down, so you should get a good feeling for how the game plays.

Until the demo is ready, enjoy these screenshots and this video.

All comments and feedback are greatly appreciated.
Thanks in advance.

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Incredible! It reminds me a LOT of FreeSpace 2, a game I loved.

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Thank you Jason, that’s the plan :slight_smile:
Freespace 2 is one of my all time favourite games, so I’m trying hard to emulate the style while adding my own story to it.
If you want to keep up to date with my progress feel free to follow my twitter @BrokenCollision however I will post all updates including a demo here when it is ready.

Well, it looks like you’re doing a great job! I’ll definitely keep an eye on this project :wink:

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Much appreciated :slight_smile:

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