Need your input - Which would YOU rather play?

I drafted out two different game ideas, let me know which seems more fun to play :alien::green_heart:

This prefab from one of our first projects of making a vehicle:

This prefab is from another game I am working on (unrelated to Udemy):

Any feedback is appreciated, thanks guys :fire:

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Both seem like very cool and very different approaches. I think your car model is more polished than the alien fish, so if you haven’t got any other way to decide which is better, that might be a good method.

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Dude! This is a great post!

I prefer the idea of the alien fish project but that car is too good to not be reused!

Which did you go for in the end?


Both good ideas! I like the idea of swimming the fish around better. But as the others have said, the wagon looks great, so you should use it somewhere.


Thanks! I didn’t get any feedback by the time I was ready to make the game, so I figured both ideas were bad and went a new direction with a seal propelled by rockets lol.

thanks! I will have fish in the new game I ended up making for this project :fish:

Thanks! I will end up using the G Wagon for another game idea unrelated to Udemy - I changed up the concept of this project to a new idea. Rocket Seal 5000!

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