Need some Help

Hello! :wave:

I am using the Unity 2021.1.10f1 version and I can’t find Standard Assets in the Assets store. Then I don’t know what “using …” I need to work. :face_with_head_bandage:

I would be very grateful if you could help me! :pray:

Well, here’s a link to the store page for the Standard Assets for you.

Then I don’t know what “using …” I need to work.
You mean once you imported the Standard assets into your project?

They use the namespace UnityStandardAssets.
using UnityStandardAssets; for Script where you want to use things from the StandardAssets

it was in case I will import another package than the one they use because that is not valid on the 2021. But I rebuilt the game on unity 2018 and now it’s fine.

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