Hello people,
So I’ve been doing the Scratch course, and I am working on a (tid more complex) version of the Classic Catch game. After doing what was said in the course I decided to change it in such a way that you need to grab a total amount as quickly as possible. I tried a couple of different ways of telling it to stop spawning in an apple after catching 3, but it just keeps on falling even if it goes above 3. I tried using the repeat until, the if and the forever ones to keep the item falling for a while before stopping it… but it just never stops >.<
Anyone know what I’m doing wrong?
As an example of the apple item I have;
when flag clicked
Set size to 25%
go to x: random number Y; 175
Repeat until Apple = 3
repeat until y position < -179
change y by -5
go to random number y; 175
go to x; 0 y; 175
As well as the counter for catching it;
when flag clicked
if touching player then
change apple by 1
change score by 1
go to random number y; 175