Need help with source control

Every time I try to commit my changes with SourceTree and try to push to GitHub, I get this error message:

“remote: error: GH001: Large files detected. You may want to try Git Large File Storage -
remote: error: Trace: 8101345f0383eab4d3d29ab3a44ea119
remote: error: See for more information.
remote: error: File Unreal Project Files/BattleTank/Content/BattleGround_BuiltData.uasset is 181.53 MB; this exceeds GitHub’s file size limit of 100.00 MB”

I cannot find this file anywhere on my hard drive that is 181 MB. There is one here with that exact name, but that one is only 6 MB:

E:\Unreal Repos\BattleTank\Project Files\Content\Levels

I tried adding this type of file to the .gitignore but nothing helps

Does anybody here know what this is?

Probably because you are still tracking the file since it’s already in your repo before you modified the gitignore. Not sure how to do that in SourceTree and their help pages are down for maintenance right now so can’t really help beyond this :confused:

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