Need help with lighting

Hello, i’ve been working on this project and i’ve been very happy with it apart from the lighting issue. i have set an hdr environment so it adds a sufficient light source on the outside of the room, and a sun lamp so that there are more “sharp” shadows coming, but this was not enough so i added some other area lamps near the top of the room, and it solved the problem of darkness but it also makes the shadows unnatural (i have the lamp set to not cast a shadow). if anyone has any tips on how to better light my scene please share :smiley:

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I feel the environment in side the room in very brown and dark. That may be a reason for not generating enough bounces. you may try filmic-blender color management.

If you have glass in the window, it might be better to hide it in the render. Transparent materials in seriously cut light when it has to pass through it apparently. And yes, using filmic is a must for a scene like this if you’re not already and perhaps a light portal to tell blender where you want light to go

It’s looking really great btw

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Hello, thanks for the tip, I’ll check the filmic blender out. I don’t have any glass on the windows and I do have light portals, the filmic must be the thing…

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